In the past few years, the influx of immigrants (both legal and illegal) has been lower than previously projected due to the economic crisis sweeping through the nation. John Pitkin and Dowell Myer of University of South Carolina looked at these changes in the immigration patterns and the impact they would have on the U.S. population in 2040.
While one fifth of the U.S. population consisted of minorities in 1980s, by 2010 their share of the population amounted to one third, and by 2040 it's expected to be almost one half. The foreign-born population will have shifted from 1980 when one third was of Hispanic descent to it being more than half Hispanic in 2040.
As the influx of immigrants has decreased and is not expected to surpass peak numbers recorded in 2000 in the near future, it's likely that the settled immigrants will outnumber recent immigrants. According to the report, this "rapidly increasing length of U.S. residence" among the foreign born population "lays the basis for stronger social, economic, and civic ties and better integration in the national fabric."
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